FRA Junior Race Documents - Notes
V1.0 01/01/2014
Race Pack:
- Race Name (35 characters)
- Race Date (dd/mm/yyyy format)
- Race Control Mobile No (12 numeric)
- Minimum Age (6 - 17)
- Age Group Qualifying Date (Default 31/12/2025)
- Award Name (20 characters)
Use with Award (N/Y) if there is a race within an open race, e.g. Yorkshire Champs, Local Resident.
The Award Name and a tick box are printed on entry forms.
- Age Groups (Select No or Yes from dropdown lists)
Selected age groups will be printed on the entry form.
A maximum of 12 age groups i.e. 6 races can be selected.
- Marshal Points:
- Name / Description (24 characters)
A value in this field e.g U12 turn point, will be used together with any associated optional input on documents.
- Mobile No / 'Radio' (12 characters)
Contact details for check point printed on marshals instructions.
- Open Time (Hours 1 - 24, Minutes 1 - 59)
The time at which marshals must be in place.
- Grid Reference (Select Ordnance Survey sheet letter from drop down list)
- Eastings and Northings (4 numeric x 2)
- Press "Submit" to validate the input.
- If there are any error messages, return to the input form, correct and re-submit.
- On successful validation, the document pack will be generated for download and printing.
Age Group Races:
- Race Name (35 characters)
- Race Date (dd/mm/yyyy format)
- Print Entry Summary? (This is a very basic template for recording results)
- Age Group (Select from dropdown list).
- Race Nos (Range of race numbers to be issued)
The Start No must end in 1.
The range should exceed the number of entries expected. It must NOT overlap with race numbers allocated to other races.
- Press "Submit" to validate the input.
- If there are any error messages, return to the input form, correct and re-submit.
- On successful validation, the document pack will be generated for download and printing.
Forms and Templates:
- The documents, while tailored to your race, only address the core requirements.
Additional information should be added where necessary.
- In particular, the lists on the Marshal forms should be checked and amended as required.
It is intended that this is done by hand, in order that the race specific changes are highlighted on the forms, and thus more likely to be noted by the recipient.
- Where appropriate the number of starters must be written on each document and excess numbers obliterated, before recording starts.
All content / formats © Copyright 2011 - 2025
Jim Godwin
With acknowledgements to
The Fell Runners Association Limited