FRA Logo
English Junior Championship


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For up to date race news, check the organising club's website and the following links:



U13 - U19 Winners:
  • Only members of England Athletics affiliated clubs are eligible to score championship points.
    Members of clubs affiliated to other Home Nations organising bodies are eligible if resident or born in England (conditions apply).
    See UK Athletics Rules for Competition.
  • The best 4 scores from the 6 races to count.
  • Gold medal and perpetual trophy for the winner of each age group category.
  • Silver and bronze medals for the second and third placed competitors in each age group category.
  • In the event of a tie on points, the competitors will receive the appropriate medal for the position.
  • On completion of the final round in the Championship series, all competitors, who have completed at least 4 races can download and print a certificate to mark their participation.
U13 - U19 FRA Member Awards:
Further awards are made by the FRA in recognition of those runners, who are a junior or family member of the FRA, and have supported the Championship series by completing at least 4 of the 6 races.
  • A T-shirt for 4 or more races.
  • Plus a hoody for 6 races.
  • Both awards are in unique designs and colours.


These competitions are open to clubs affiliated to England Athletics and registered for Hill and Fell.
(UK Athletics RULE G2 S2)
  • The aggregate of the top 3 scores by a club in any category at all 6 rounds to count.
  • A perpetual shield for the winning club.
  • Perpetual shields for the second and third placed clubs.
  • In the event of a tie on points, the appropriate shield will be shared.
  • Certificates by download for the top 10 clubs.
  • The number of appearances in each category by a club to count.
    The objective is to encourage clubs to grow their junior sections and participate in the English Junior Championship.
  • A perpetual trophy for each winning club.
  • In the event of a tie on number of appearances and total points, the trophy will be shared.
  • Certificates by download for the top 3 clubs in each category.


Photographs of the various awards can be found here.

Individual Tables

Clubs Tables



  • These links give access to the records from previous years championships starting in 2002.
  • The Roll of Honour lists past winners starting in 1984, when the Junior Championship was introduced.

2002 - 2010


Club Tables:
Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Club Tables:
Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Club Tables:
Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Club Tables:
Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Club Tables:
Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Club Tables:
Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Club Tables:
Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Club Tables:
Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Club Tables:
Statistics: Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.

2011 - 2020


Club Tables:
Statistics: Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Club Tables:
Statistics: Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Club Tables:
Statistics: Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Club Tables:
Statistics: Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Club Tables:
Statistics: Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Club Tables:
Statistics: Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Club Tables:
Statistics: Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Club Tables:
Statistics: Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Club Tables:
Statistics: Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


No competition due to pandemic.

2021 - 2030


Statistics: Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Statistics: Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Statistics: Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.


Statistics: Each selection opens in a new window. Close that window to return to this page.

Roll of Honour

Championship Winners:

The list of past Championship Winners shows the changes in age groups over the years leading to the current format, which began in 1992. Some winners can still be seen competing in the senior championships and local races. A few now bring their children to the junior Championship and Challenge races.
Photographs of the trophies they won can be found here.


The Data Protection Act has been amended, and the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) came into force on 25th May 2018.
They are concerned with the storage and processing of personal data.


  • By entering and taking part in a race you are deemed to have given consent for your personal data to be used to administer the series.
  • The only competitor personal data held permanently on this website is forename, surname, and gender, which appear in current and any archived points tables.
  • Competitors, who qualify for an award, may have their personal data passed to the award supplier.
  • If any competitor does not wish for their personal data to be stored and/or displayed on this website, they should email the English Junior Championship statistician. Note, if your data is deleted from the website database, it will not be possible for you to take part in the series, and any previous and future race results will be ignored.
  • No personal data is passed to any other third parties, other than by publication on this website.
  • Competitors have the right to view their personal data, ask for errors to be corrected, and withdraw consent.
  • Competitors have the right to seek redress from the Information Commissioner's Office.


From time to time, the championship statistician may be in possession of completed race entry forms, which contain personal details:
  • Forename and surname.
  • Date of birth, and gender.
  • Address, telephone/mobile number.
  • Emergency contact name, and their telephone/mobile number.
  • Race results containing forename, surname, and gender may be passed to the race organiser and the FRA for publication.
  • These entry forms will be destroyed, when the race results have been published and finalised.

Visitors: 949
Pete Bland Sports

All content / formats © Copyright 1998-2025 - Jim Godwin
With acknowledgements to organising clubs, officials, and competitors
Licensed to the FRA under GPL V3

The Fell Runners Association Limited is a Company Limited by Guarantee.
Registered in England under No 07878976.
Registered Office 90 Hazelwood Road Wilmslow SK9 2QA

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